Dosen / Faculty S1

Johanes Widayaka, Lic. Ped.
Licensiatus (MA) in pedagogy from the Pontifical University of Salesiana, Rome. His main interests is Catechism and Pastoral ministries.

Antonius Sad Budianto, MA
MA in sociology from Saint John University, New York. His main contribution is in sociology and the Vincentian spirituality.

Merry Teresa Sri Rejeki, Lic. Th.
Licensiata in Spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain. She is actively giving spiritual retreats as well as spiritual formation to religious and priests.

Dr. Denny Firmanto
Doctor in theology from the Pontifical University of Urbaniana, Rome. His main specialization is dogmatic theology.

Dr. Yustinus
Doctor in Moral theology from Accademia Alphonsiana, Rome. His interest is moral fundamental.

Dr. Benny Phang
Doctor in moral theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas, Rome; MA in the same field from the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. His main interest is applied moral. He is currently serving as assistant general of O.Carm in Rome.

Donatus Sermada Kelen, MA
MA in philosophy of religion from Rheinischen Friedriech Wilhelms University, Bonn, Germany; his main contribution is in Eastern Philosophy and philosophy of religion. He is currently candidate doctor in social science at the University of Airlangga, surabaya.

Dr. Edison Tinambunan
Doctor in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas, Rome; MA in patristic theology from Theresianum, Rome. His main interest is patristic theology.

Rafael Isharianto, Lic. Th.
Licensiatus in theology from the Catholic Institute of Paris, France; his main interest is history of the Church and Vincentian spirituality.

Dr. Valentinus
Doctor in philosophy from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas, Rome; his main contribution is in social philosophy and critical theory.

Adi Saptowidodo, MA
MA in intercultural theology from Radboud University, Nijmegen, Holland; his main interest is in pastoral ministries.

Yohanes I Wayan Marianta, MA
MA in sociology from the University of the Philippines, Manila; he is currently undergoing doctorate program in the University of Indonesia.

Didik Bagiyowinadi, Lic.Sac.
Licensiatus in Bible Studies from Biblicum, Rome; his main interest is in the New Testament studies.

Ignasius Budiono, Lic.Sac
Licensiatus in Sacra Scriptura (Bible Studies) from the Biblicum, Rome; his interest is the Old Testament studies.

Agustinus Lie, Lic.Th.
Licensiatus in theology from Theresianum, Rome; his main interest is in liturgy and Chinese philosophy.

Pius Pandor, Lic. Phil.
Licensiatus in philosophy from the Pontifical University of Gregoriana; his contribution is in epistemology and logic.

Petrus Sarbini, MA
MA in Islamic Studies from State Islamic University, Yogyakarta; his interest is in Islamic studies.

Christo Balla, MA
MA in theology from CTU (Catholic Theological Union), Chicago, USA; his main interest is systematic theology.

Frans Harjosetiko, MA
MA in theology from Radboud University, Nijmegen, Holland; his interest is in systematic theology.

Gorris, MA
MA in theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas, Manila; his interest is in systematic theology.

Dr. Paulinus Yan Olla
Doctor in theology from Theresianum, Rome; his main interest is in social theology and theology of politics.
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Prodi S1 Filsafat Keilahian
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