


Memiliki satu prodi S1 “Filsafat Agama Kristen” (yang berdasarkan PERATURAN MENTERI No. 154 Tahun 2014, menjadi Prodi “FILSAFAT KEILAHIAN”) dan Program Magister Filsafat. Keduanya telah terakreditasi. Prodi S1 sedang dalam proses re-akreditasi. Juga, akreditasi institusi sedang dalam proses persiapan.


Program Sarjana S1


  1. No. 030/BAN-PT/Ak-XIII/S1/XII/2010

Tanggal 10 Desember 2010


Program Magister Filsafat:


  1. No. 120/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/V/2014

Tanggal 03 Mei 2014

For Information

Prodi S1 Filsafat Keilahian

Prodi S1 (or “Undergraduate” Program) of Philosophy of Divinity at Widya Sasana School of Philosophy is a program which integrates philosophical and theological subjects (divinity studies). The program has been accredited by the National Agency of Accreditation for Higher Education with excellent result “A” in 2010. It is now undergoing re-accreditation in this year.

  • Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategy
  • Governance, Leadership, Management and, Quality Assurance System
  • Students (including students affairs) and Graduates
  • Human Resources Management (Faculty and staff members)
  • Curriculum, Learning Approach and processes, and Academic Atmosphere
  • Finance, Facilities & Infrastructures, and Information/ICT Management
  • Research & Publication, Community services and Collaborations


Prodi Magister Filsafat

Master Program of philosophy at Widya Sasana is relatively new designed in two kinds of concentration: Systematic and Theological. That of theological philosophy is especially for the students who are pursuing priestly preparation and for those interested in theological master degree.  Systematic philosophy is a program for the students who are more specialized in philosophical master degree. This master program of philosophy has been accredited with good result (“B”) by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in 2014.

  • Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategy
  • Governance, Leadership, Management and, Quality Assurance System
  • Students (including students affairs) and Graduates
  • Human Resources Management (Faculty and staff members)
  • Curriculum, Learning Approach and processes, and Academic Atmosphere
  • Finance, Facilities & Infrastructures, and Information/ICT Management
  • Research & Publication, Community services and Collaborations


Widya Sasana School of Philosophy

Institution of Widya Sasana School of philosophy is now in process of preparation to have “institution accreditation.” The school was used to be called “STFT Widya Sasana” (Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi). Being faithful to the program of philosophy and theology for years with long and beautiful intellectual tradition, STF Widya Sasana has always renewed itself institutionally. With new campus recently inaugurated in May 2014, the leaders, staffs, and students of Widya Sasana School are ready to have new journey.

  • Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategy
  • Governance, Leadership, Management and, Quality Assurance System
  • Students (including students affairs) and Graduates
  • Human Resources Management (Faculty and staff members)
  • Curriculum, Learning Approach and processes, and Academic Atmosphere
  • Finance, Facilities & Infrastructures, and Information/ICT Management
  • Research & Publication, Community services and Collaborations
STF Widya Sasana
Terakreditasi A
Prodi S1 Filsafat Keilahian
Terakreditas B
Prodi Magister Filsafat
Web: https://stfwidyasasana.ac.id
STF Widya Sasana
Jalan Terusan Rajabasa 2
Malang 65146 – East Java, Indonesia
Telepon : 0341-552120
Fax : 0341-566676

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